Tracking Dr. Marc Faber of The Gloom Boom and Doom report , Marc Faber nicknamed Doctor Doom , a world class investor and a regular speaker at various investment seminars, Dr Marc Faber is well known for his "contrarian" investment approach.

Saturday, July 25, 2020
Gold Prices Set to Break The All-Time High Record of $2000/oz
Gold Prices Set to Break The All-Time High Record of $2000/oz
Gold may be a barbarous relic, but we live in barbarous times. Gold prices scored their best weekly gain in three months, with prices of the yellow metal breaking above the $1,900-mark for the first time since September 2011 on Friday. Gold prices finished at 8-year highs and continue to accelerate higher. The $2,000 mark for gold will be very easily broken. Gold prices closed the week up more than 5%. They have climbed by around 50% since the summer of 2018 when the metal bottomed under $1,200 an ounce. The yellow metal also has climbed around $400 an ounce from March’s COVID-19 crash, its steepest 17-week gain since the very tops of September 2011 and before that January 1980. Gold will keep going well beyond $2,000 with so much money printing across the globe devaluing currencies. The Asians sell gold when it strongly rises, but the West buys high into rallies. Holding since 1971 at $35 an ounce has been very profitable, but it requires patience and resolve to ride through the wide swings. Gold has long cycles: 12 years is not uncommon. Gold is the real money, and it has been proven after government invasions of countries to steal their gold and central banks buying records amounts of gold. Gold will most likely see $2,500 by the end of the year, maybe higher. In turn, Real Estate will take a massive correction (eventually) as the foreigners are forced out of the US Money Laundering business. Metals represent the only real tangible thing left in a sea of funny money, digital numbers, and a world crushed by debt and bad decisions. Why is this happening now? Because everyone knows we are screwed and wants physical. Trillions and trillions of stimulus and debt for the hopeless degenerates generation. It'll never be repaid without a serious devaluation of the debt of the currency, and the Fed will continue to accommodate with vigor to keep the government solvent. Gold bugs have always said it, but the virus and social revolution have accelerated the timeline. Gold goes up because the US Dollar goes down related to dollar debt. After world war 2, the USA had a dollar gap; now, a dollar overflows into debt. Not one politician has the courage to tackle the dollar debt crisis. The real reason for Obama attacking Libya has nothing to do with humanitarian reasons. It has everything to do with a gold heist. Obama unlawfully sent U.S. forces to attack Libya to control the country’s vast oil (black gold) resources and its 144 tons of gold bullion. Gold is among the rarest of elements. We can fit all gold ever mined into a swimming pool. The dollars of nothing used to purchase this extremely rare metal are CREATED FROM NOTHING with no limit. There is NO limit to how much the value of dollars can be diluted (inflation). Those 185000 tons in existence equal 5.92billion ounces. There are not enough ounces to give each person on the planet just one ounce. It might be true to say only 500 million on the planet can afford to buy gold. That is less than 12 ounces per person in that group. If that 500 million people each attempted to buy just one physical ounce of gold in the next six months, that equates to over 15000 tons of gold that would have to be made available. Silver is exploding for the same reason. Silver has even better fundamentals and long term outlook. Silver is suppressed for 135 years because it is the stick in the heart of the vampires who run the Central Banks. If you want to buy physical silver in the open market, you will pay a minimum of about $30 per ounce. Buy as much as you can on the fake Comex for $23, and even a 2nd grader can figure out there is a HUGE profit margin. Physical silver and gold RULE the price in the long haul. Smart people buy physical on the Comex at a HUGE discount and store it away in a private, secure location. On Friday, the few big banks traded 250 MILLION paper silver contracts. At 5000 / ounce, and the open interest DID NOT CHANGE. Do you understand what that means?? It means NO money traded hands. They trade a billion two in silver, and no money was exchanged. We are lucky if we have two billion on the entire planet YET. The CFTC, the Government regulators, allow a few big banks, JP Morgan, Citi, and HSBC to trade a billion ounces in one day, which does not exist, and they do not have in their vault. At least 400,000 tons of "gold" are traded on the Comex per year. The COMEX is not a joke. It is a Criminal Fraud being used to con everyone into thinking the spot price of silver should be 23 dollars per ounce. They don't call it the CRIMEX for nothin'! Unless you have physical gold, then you have nothing but an IOU, and your paper gold is costing storage fee scam. They sell the gold held over many times, just the same criminals at work fleecing the people. When will people stop buying the same ounce of Gold on paper 100 times over. They do not have it to give to you physically. About 50% of silver is used industrially, and the amount increases by about 4% per year. The supply of silver mined has been going down modestly prior to this year but perhaps much more of a decrease this year. And silver is 90/1 versus gold price, which is absurd. About 50% of silver is used industrially, and the amount increases at about four percent per year. The supply of silver mined has been going down prior to this year but perhaps much more of a decrease this year. And silver is 90/1 versus gold price, which is absurd versus coming out of the ground 8/1 by weight. So, there are about 2 billion ounces of silver above ground on the planet. A little more or less. We mine 800 million ounces per year. Not this year as 60% of the mines shut down for three months for the COVID. APPLE, ONE COMPANY, has 250 BILLION on hand in CASH. Not what their stock is worth. Just in cash. Apple could purchase ALL the above-ground stockpiles of silver at 23 dollars/ounce and still have 200 BILLION left over to buy bubble gum. Apple. Who builds tablets in China with slave labor at 50 dollars and sells them for 500 USD and... pays an effective tax rate of 1.9% on all of it... Now: Riddle me this, Batman... The Government needs tons of silver to build their weapons. Samsung to build their phones. Tesla to build their electric cars. Chain to build their solar. Industry to manufacture everything using tons of silver in tiny amounts. If everyone on the planet had to go to APPLE to buy their silver, they could NOT live without. What do you think the price would be?? Would Apple sell their silver for 50?? a thousand.. 2 or maybe even 3 thousand per ounce?? Who thinks they would settle for 20 bucks?? SILVER IS the Rarest, most useful commodity on the planet, and YOU ALL listened to the Globalist. The liars who call you all useless eaters. Convinced you silver is worthless when YOU could have bought it at 5, 10, or 15 dollars an ounce and changed your life and the life of your family. It is not even close to being late; the gold to silver ratio is still over 80 and should go below 20. silver will hit $200 minimum in the next couple of years at most. The reason silver certificates were pulled in 1963 was that the commodity value in a silver dollar for the first time rose above $1. It surpassed $1.33/oz in that year ( a silver dollar is 75% silver). It's now $17/oz. That should be all you need to know about how our monetary system works. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know, it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. The loss of value in fiat and the rush into gold is caused by loss of confidence in fiat. Prediction: So one method they will use to crush gold price will be by attempting to crush confidence: a massive "scandal" of fake gold bars, banks being "taken," consumers "finding" fake one-ounce coins they claim to have bought from reputable dealers, central banks rushing to examine the bars in their vaults, etc. Hopefully, delivery demands will uncover the scam the COMEX is. The scam, which is an old racket, is fractional reserve trading of gold. As long as some big holder can keep a lot and trade-in promises to own it without delivery, that scam is profitable. This is known as banking. The only way to break them is for everyone to buy a safe and hold their own. The massive increase in demand cannot be met with the fake data/paper claims of silver reported by the Comex. The COMEX is dying a very slow and painful death (rightfully so!) With each person standing for DELIVERY! If this delivery trend continues, they cannot keep the price of gold and silver down by selling paper. And hopefully, that will lead to real price discovery for gold and silver, which will happen at unimaginable levels. If the little Robin Hood idiots would stay out of GLD and SLV, metal would do much better. Crash the COMEX. Demand delivery! Comex is a fraud. They don't have the gold and silver they claim to have. That spot price is fraudulent too, given the massive increase in demand. The CFTC does not investigate the Comex for market rigging! It is being paid to look the other way. Comex is and has been a giant fraud wherein all colluded to control the narrative. It won't be long now; the destruction of the economy is about to complete. Printing money and handing it to the people will accelerate, and so will the price of goods. The lack of confidence in the currencies will drive bullion out of the market, and mayhem will abound. Due to the unprecedented level of monetary stimulus, the party will continue at least into 2021, at which time the Dow will exceed 30,000. When the bottom drops out, the only investments on Wall Street that will offer protection will be precious metals, tips, and cash. The last audit of Fort Knox showed 956 tonnes of good delivery gold in 1975. The chances that even a fraction of that is still there, given the Keynesian training of FED and Treasury officials, is slim. Buy gold and end the FED, the dollar is being turned into toilet paper! The Fed and the Corrupt Crooks on Wall St. are in a panic and are very desperate. Do not sell your gold or silver cause you ain't seen nothing yet. GOLD IS KING. It is the money of Kings. Silver is the money of Gentleman. Barter is the money of Peasants. Debt is the money of Slaves. If you don't hold it, then you don't own it. Keep Stacking. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy, friends!
Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Germany and The Whole Europe on the verge of a Disastrous Economic Cliff Edge
Germany and The Whole Europe on the verge of a Disastrous Economic Cliff Edge
Germany and The Whole Europe on the verge of a Disastrous Economic Cliff Edge. The eurozone economy will drop deeper into recession this year. Germany, the single largest and strongest economy in Europe and the world's fourth-largest economy, is already feeling the pinch. The impact of the coronavirus has seen Germany suffer its widest fall in production and output since the financial crisis a decade ago. The German economy will shrink by 6.3 percent this year. German Exports contracted by 3.1 percent. The Rest of Europe is not in any better shape. In fact, the French GDP is shrinking by 5.8 percent, Spain's GDP by 5.2 percent, Italy's GDP by 4.7 percent, and The Netherlands GDP by 1.7 percent. For the 27 countries that comprise the EU, a downturn of 8.3% is expected in 2020. The coronavirus crisis will push Europe into a deeper recession than originally thought. Europe’s coronavirus outbreak will be the biggest peacetime economic shock on record. And don't expect the European banks to help. Banks may face a tsunami of problems as three factors collide: rise in non-performing loans, deflationary pressures from a prolonged crisis, and central bank keeping negative rates that destroy banking profitability. The Euro-Zone was already in deep trouble before CoVid-19 hit, the weakness that started in 2017 never ended. The region simply isn't competitive. In the fourth quarter, even Germany entered a recession. France, Spain, and Italy are looking at continued large unemployment levels. Add to this the fact the EU lacks technological and intellectual property and is falling further behind China and the US. Recently they started promoting a huge stimulus package. To fund the €750BN package, the EU would borrow on financial markets and put in place a suite of proposed new EU taxes and levies to pay back the debt over the coming decades. Characterizing the current debacle as a deep recession is actually optimistic. The ongoing debasement of fiat, coupled with raging deflation, ensures a very entertaining near future of the deflation/inflation tango. The ongoing destruction of currency is provoking flights of funds into precious metals and crypto. The banking class in the EU is a cabal of lizards. They have been hiding risk for decades, and it has only gotten worse since the introduction of the Euro. In the Mediterranean countries, vast overvaluation of dodgy investments in property means that most of the Med banks are technically insolvent. One day the sacred cows will come home to roost. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know, it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. The EU economy is expected to experience a deeper recession this year than previously thought,... as the lifting of COVID-19 lockdown measures is proceeding at a slower pace than assumed in its Spring Forecast. According to the Summer 2020, Economic Forecast released on Tuesday. The EU economy will contract 8-point-7 percent in 2020. The contraction is significantly greater than the 7-point-4 percent projected in the previous forecast. Experts cite the far longer period of disruption and lockdown taking place in the second quarter of 2020. The challenge of unwinding stimulus is a lesson that’s long been apparent to central banks. More than a decade after the financial crisis, many had barely moved policy off emergency settings. Their efforts to get back to a more normal stance were on various occasions, scuppered by sluggish growth, weak inflation, or market volatility. European Governments have already pumped billions into support schemes and blown out their budgets in the process. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government has vowed to spend whatever it takes to get the country growing again, including extending its renowned Kurzarbeit wage-support program. After years of German budget surpluses, that’s been welcomed by other nations, but the country is a rare exception in Europe. Most of its peers face stressed finances. Across Europe, many economies will suffer double-digit slumps in output in 2020. The big hit will be this quarter, the peak of lockdown restrictions. That’s almost certain to be followed by a steep rebound, but rocketing GDP numbers don’t necessarily translate into a sustainable recovery. The 19-nation euro region is set to shrink more than 8% this year, and European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde has warned that the pandemic will change parts of the economy permanently. Hundreds of thousands of workers are already facing unemployment, with companies from Deutsche Lufthansa AG -- Germany’s severely battered airline that just secured a government bailout -- to plane maker Airbus SE preparing to cut jobs. Furthermore, the two main private banks in Germany, Deutsche Bank, and Commerzbank would be on the verge of bankruptcy. The fourth regional bank, NordLB, was bailed out with state aid, which essentially ignored the current bail-in rules (instead applied everywhere else in Europe). And last November, the rating agency Moody revised its outlook on the German banking system downwards (from stable to negative). German cars are now only German in name only. They are designed in Germany by foreign nationals; the parts are built predominately in China or Eastern Europe and either: 1) The foreign parts are shipped to Germany, where the final assembly occurs. "Made in Germany" - or - 2) The whole car is made abroad, "Designed in Germany." If you want a real German car, Get an early 80s BMW. This is all the endpoint of the wonderful Globalization process. It's all driven by profit margins and tax "efficiency." To the benefit of their respective shareholders AND to the detriment of the average German worker. For those who hold equity in German OEMs, this outsourcing has been great, if you are a Handwerker who relies on domestic manufacturing for your job - you're materially disadvantaged. This current system is designed for the preservation of wealth for the top 5% of society - not the bottom 95%. When worker X makes €15 and hour and worker Y makes €3 an hour, shifting manufacturing from X to Y doesn't create efficiencies or improve anything - it just reduces cost, which isn't an efficiency in and of itself. A customs union only works with similarly situated populations, in the absence thereof (whereby a customs union with a very wealthy country and a very poor one) you have manufacturing develop in the poorer countries with services in the wealthier, something that if left unchecked leads to absurd realities. It's a complex problem which is manifesting itself in a multitude of horrible ways, but allowing good-paying blue-collar jobs to flee Germany to other nations benefits no one except the shareholders of the large OEMs, which is a small fraction of the population. In France, figures from Insee's statistics office, show activity in Europe’s second-largest economy still more than 10% below normal. The U.K. economy instantly shrank by a fifth in April alone. In Italy, even with the debt ratio set to top 150% of GDP this year, it’s extended tax breaks for companies and lengthened its furlough program for workers to 18 weeks from an initial 14 weeks. European governments are fast learning that they’ll have to live with aid programs to save jobs and businesses longer than thought to keep the economy from falling off a cliff. Across the continent, furlough programs that shielded close to 50 million jobs at the height of lockdowns, as well as tax deferrals and loan moratoriums, are being extended even as restrictions on movement are lifted. That’s because the sustainability of the economic bounce-back is uncertain, with many businesses still closed or serving fewer customers than before. The economy was already slowing for three years prior to COVID. An economic recession was expected. The whole world is going into recession at the same time. There will be no place to hide. Let's get real. The downturn in GDP for the developed world is closer to 25% despite the bloated response of governments pouring massive amounts of unsecured funds into supporting zombie companies and unemployed workers. Now with efforts to support social distancing being abandoned, there is a dark shadow on the horizon investors may ignore at their own risk. The GDP has turned into a circus of money rotating in circles without actual relation to average prosperity and productivity. Anyone with the intelligence of that surpassing a St. Bernard dog knows that the world has entered the early phase of a global economic depression. There will be NO "V" nor "W" recovery folks. No matter to what degree the Fed juices the S&P on the Market, there will be no actual recovery. It is all smoke and mirrors with many people at home, behind a computer, due to the COVID virus, mere amateurs, "buying low," whereas, the seasoned investors are on the sidelines. Many of these amateurs are "buying low" into already bankrupt companies. October and November will be the real telling point on the Markets. I've been expecting the quasi collapse of the Eurozone, and especially Italy, Greece, and Spain, for about ten years now. The perplexing thing, however, is that no matter how bad their economic and financial situation is, they still manage to limp along. Their solution so far is to just borrow the money, and if interest rates get too high, have your central bank create money and come in as a major buyer of your debt to get those pesky rates down. Several European countries have had even imposed negative rates to coerce people to spend rather than save the money to prevent deflation. How much longer do you think Europe can get away with this and keep it all going? The issue here is the European recession. But The US will be close behind. And we could be talking a Depression, not just a recession. "The virus" was just the pin, not the bubble, and the real bubble was caused by coordinated Central bank Policy. The U.S. will beat Europe to the cliff and be on the bottom before Europe even jumps off in November of 2020. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Dr. Marc Faber Exclusive Interview With The Atlantis Report 2nd July 2020
Dr. Marc Faber Exclusive Interview With The Atlantis Report 2nd July 2020
👉Dr. Marc Faber exclussive Interview With The Atlantis Report 02 July 2020. We are proud to bring you Dr. Marc Faber of the Dr. Marc Faber, you are the author, the editor, and the publisher of The Gloom Boom and Doom report, which highlights unusual investment opportunities, and you are the author of several books, including Riding the Millennial Storm: Marc Faber's Path to Profit in the Financial Markets. And Tomorrow’s Gold – Asia’s Age of Discovery, which was first published in 2002 and highlighted future investment opportunities around the world. Tomorrow’s Gold was for several weeks on Amazon’s bestseller list and has been translated into Japanese, Korean, Thai and German. You are a regular speaker at various investment seminars, Dr. Faber. You are well known for your contrarian investment approach. Your contrarian views have earned you the nickname of Doctor Doom. You are a world-class investor and a regular speaker at various investment seminars.
Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
👉Gear Up For The Great Economic Disaster in America !!
👉Gear Up For The Great Economic Disaster in America !!
Gear up for the Great Economic Disaster. Before World War I, the American currency was supported by the gold standard, every one dollar note was a receipt for the same amount of gold that could be exchanged in the bank any moment you want. Then, World War I started on July 28, 1914, and the US Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that allowed the debasement of the US currency. Now, every 50 dollar currency note was backed by 20 dollars worth of gold that was almost 40% of the original value. In 1936, Hitler annexed Czechoslovakia then two years later Austria, and finally, in September 1939, he ordered to conquer Poland that initiated World War II. During the war, America, except minor skirmishes, was not practically into the Great War until the Operation Torch of conquering French Africa in November 1942, eleven months after the Pearl Harbor Attack. During the unbiasedness period, America sold goods and services to European powers and acquired gold in exchange that devastated the global economic balance, and now the gold standard or gold transactions were not viable anymore. At the end of the war, a new monetary system was introduced, which is called the Bretton Wood model. This model allowed all Fiat currencies of the world except a few to balance against the US dollar currency while US 35 dollar claim bill was balanced by 1-ounce gold, this gave economic confidence and stability and pegged all currencies against US dollar and US dollar against gold and currency exchange rates were fixed that resulted into US economic boom. Then the US started relentless printing of US dollars without any fixed gold ratio, French President Charles de Gaulle sensed it, and he asked America to trade in gold against dollar. He sent dollars to the US and bought back his gold, other countries followed the French model, and within a couple of years, America lost 50% of its gold reserves. Knowing that gold standard could not be maintained and could turn into a global economic disaster, President Nixon in August 1971 was forced to introduce a new economic model that converted all global currencies into fiat currency. Every thirty to forty years, the world had an entirely new monetary system. There was the classical gold standard before World War, one the Gold Exchange standard between the wars, the Bretton Woods system from World War two to 1971, and the global dollar standard from 1971 until today. The reason there have been so many monetary systems is that they are all man-made and not a product of the free market because they cannot possibly account for all of the forces in the free market, they build up imbalances and pressure develops stress cracks and then implode. The financialization of the US government before 2000, if we had a recession and the stock market fell, tax revenues would just fall a tiny percentage or just go flat. But since the year 2000, federal tax revenues rise and fall with the stock markets. In 2008, the stock market crashed by more than 50%, and federal tax revenues fell by 28%, this means that from now on because of the crushing debt and future obligations the Federal Reserve and the government must come to the rescue of Wall Street every time there is a stock market crash or risk of their demise. Since 1971, every fiat currency is losing its purchase power and value. Remember that in order to levitate the stock markets from the crash of 08, it took a 400% increase in base currency. Each time they do this, their power is diminished, so the next time we suffer a downturn, they aren't going to get the same economic pop from creating another 3.2 trillion. In the next crash, it will probably take a similar percentage increase or more, but this time instead of starting from a base of 0.8 trillion, we're starting from a base of four trillion a 400% increase would mean the creation of 16 trillion, which would bring the total monetary base to 20 trillion. The problem is that according to the Federal Reserve M2 currently stands at 11.8 trillion. It's now about 15.8 trillion. So the next time the stock market crashes, to save the government, the Federal Reserve may have to create more currency than currently exists, and that is the hyperinflationary end to our economic roller-coaster ride. When a wealth transfer of such scale is perpetrated by the Central Bank, the governments, and the financial sector to enrich themselves, it's nothing but the legalized theft. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, google has demonetized this channel, so now I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. History in the Making. Throughout history, none of the fiat currency could sustain whether it was Athenian, Roman, Chinese, or Indian, there has been 0% success in this regard. All western currencies, whether it is US dollar, British pound, or Euro of European Union, have been losing their purchase power, the global economic system has already reached on the verge of collapse, and we can anticipate a new global economic system right after the COVID-19 pandemic. So we should be physically and mentally prepared to contribute our share to the new global economic model that should reflect the true democratic values with increased liberty and democracy at our workplaces. And we should think for a while that why this upcoming global economic model cannot be a cooperative model that may work for the wellbeing of the working class, which is the greatest global producer. This COVID-19 disaster is an opportunity to critically examine and reject the brutal global economy where a few have everything while the rest of the humankind have nothing. We can utilize this quarantine time to innovate some groundbreaking economic model, just like Karl Marx did in the 1840s, but this time we would not foolishly pursue the fancy ideas of communism or socialism because we know that both did not work in the recent past. We aspire to create a cooperative capital global economy that is based on true freedom, justice, and equality at the workplace. What do We Need to do to stop this Economic Carnage? History teaches us that absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is why the old imperial system failed that was followed by freedom, justice, and equality secured through the American Revolution (1776) and the French Revolution (1789). We need to re-establish our economy, workplace, and social structure on the golden principles of freedom, justice, and equality. In the following passages, we would try to examine how we can renovate and rebuild this world on these principles. 1. Pillars of Justice The architects of the new modern world envisioned building it on the principles of social justice, equality, and democracy, but unfortunately, these core values have not been secured at the workplace yet. American politics is reverberated by the slogans of justice, equality, and liberty, but the American neo-feudal lords and king CEOs have absolute power and resources to control anything they want. They do not allow workers to enjoy these values in their workplace, where they spent most of their lifetime. We need to establish these core humane values at the workplace and secure democratic rights, freedom, and equality for workers at workplaces. Workers should have the liberty to choose their profession, they should be treated with the utmost respect, and their voices should be considered in the policymaking process. 2. Establishing Parallel Public Banking System We don’t need to fear this mighty brutal elite because we have a solution to curtail their influence. We need to introduce a new economic global system that is similar to the World Wide Web, which should not be controlled by one country or one institution. We need to build a network of broad-based public banks that should not be controlled by any company or group. They should operate on egalitarian principles and should secure the rights of workers. This would require unprecedented political will and courage to fundamentally reform the global economic system. Currently, the stock exchange shareholder financing mechanism and the private banking sector fund the corporations. This mechanism must be replaced by public banks owned by worker cooperatives that should serve the interests of the workers. The current economic system, with its private banking, is serving only the crooks of Wall Street. 3. The Free and Healthy Markets It is believed that capitalism and the free market are controlling the global economy. Capitalism, as we know it, has been gone for decades; it is now a sham, and the reality is we have a controlled market that is monopolized by stock exchange corporations. Small businesses that represent healthy capitalism and a healthy free market are swallowed up by the Wall Street sharks, simply due to the lack of freedom and democracy in the workplace. Workers wouldn’t accept selling their company to the stock exchange if it was subject to their vote. The only work that can survive the Wall Street parasites is Workers’ Cooperative Corporations since they are funded by public banks rather than private banks. In Spain and Italy, Workers' Cooperatives built their public banks to serve their workers. It is worth noting that the CEO's cannot earn higher than seven times the salary of an average worker. Such environments won't allow the forming of brutal capitalism to exploit humanity and nature. This is possible only if we have justice, freedom, equality, and democracy at our workplaces. 4. True Pulse of Power It’s worth noting that this cooperative structure is not traditional socialism, and certainly, it is not communism. There is not a single company or institution in the communist or the socialist countries that regard freedom and democracy at the workplace. It's quite the opposite. The communist and socialist regimes have strict laws for workers, and they have developed sophisticated enslaving mechanisms. There is no difference between brutal capitalism and brutal communism. They secure the interests of the same brutal elite. Until we establish democracy in the workplace, we would not be able to secure economic prosperity for our working class. We highly recommend that you research Dr. Richard Wolff’s Democracy at Work. Dr. Wolff believes in the Workers’ cooperatives principles and free-market economy run by demand and supply. Dr. Wolff’s best example of Workers’ cooperatives is Mondragon, a Spanish multinational workers’ cooperative federation, which was founded in 1956 by Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta, this unique organization has more than 100,000 workers. Mondragon Corporation is a broad-based worker's cooperative federation that directly serves its workers who have a prime share in its policymaking and profit. It is one of the most efficient and first of its kind cooperation, which has set new standards for worker’s cooperative economy. It's the largest and most successful Workers' cooperative in the world! It's a great example of Freedom and Democracy in the workplace. 5. Making of Hearty Nations and Healthy Humans If we could achieve freedom, justice, and equality at the workplace, then we can develop a broad cooperative global economic system that would benefit the poor working class, which constitutes the major part of the world population. As everything grows out of the economy, the cooperative economy would lead to a healthy social organization and will reduce the tussle between the haves and have nots. The working class would not be enslaved by the private banks and corporations. They would be masters of their destiny. 6. Breakdown and Transform If we carefully examine the big economies of the world, for example, the US economy, the European Economy, and the Chines economy, they are all failing because they have not established their economic system based on freedom, justice, and equality. The gulf between the rich and the poor in these countries is widening day by day. They are heading towards an economic catastrophe that sooner or later would shatter these economies. If we want to get rid of the danger of brutal capitalism or neo-feudalism, we must rebuild a fair economic system to form healthy political parties, an unbiased educational system, effective healthcare, and social welfare systems. The damage done by the brutal capitalism would slowly recover. Thus we would have a healthy cooperative economy in place that would secure the rights of the people. Conclusion I sincerely hope that this message reaches everyone in the world, people should discuss it with their loved ones, their neighbors, their friends, and their teammates at the workplace. I request you to share this message with your counselors, congressmen, governors, and presidents. Keep on reminding yourselves and your loved ones that we are sailing the same boat if the boat sinks then we all sink together. Heroes, who made history, were the few freemen and women who dared to transform and build regardless of popular opinion. Now, the rest just follow them. Thus, since the beginning of history, few people have dared to unite to change the global path to write honorable history. They have not been afraid of obstacles, opposition, controversies, or death. If a few of us unite and provide the appropriate knowledge, we can be among those a few who will turn the world into a better place to secure future generations. We face an unprecedented threat against humanity. Try to understand the challenge with awareness and high spirit, then contribute positively as much as you can. It is a valuable opportunity to write your chapter of history that is now being made! The clock is ticking, and we don't have time to waste, do something, and participate now before it is too late! This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.
Monday, June 29, 2020
👉Half The US Population is Now Jobless !!
👉Half The US Population is Now Jobless !!
It looks like the plan to implode the US economy and turn it into a despotic Socialist regime is going well. The economy is eating itself. The vicious circle has no end, but the total collapse of the cards house. Nearly half the U.S. population is now jobless. The employment-population ratio — the number of employed people as a percentage of the U.S. adult population — plunged to 52.8% in May, meaning 47.2% of Americans are jobless, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics. As the coronavirus-induced shutdowns tore through the labor market, the share of the population employed dropped sharply from a recent high of 61.2% in January, farther away from a post-war record of 64.7% in 2000. 7.7 million jobs were lost in Hospitality and Leisure last month alone, 2.5 million in Education and Health, with 2 million in Retail and another 2 million in Professional Services. These sectors are unlikely to recover fast and enough to compensate for the job losses of the past month and even less likely to see the same level of wages of 2019. Credit card delinquencies are rising, and retail sales are going to see a very modest recovery because household debt is increasing, wages are under pressure, and most citizens are changing their consumption patterns, looking to strengthen their savings in case another shock arrives. Corporate debt is rising to new records due to the collapse in operating revenues. As such, companies will likely take all possible measures to conserve cash flow, reduce expenditure, and be prudent about hiring decisions. This will lead to slower job creation and investment even once the economy reopens. Tax increases are likely to affect recovery. The government deficit is soaring, with the Treasury looking at $2 trillion of new debt in 2020 due to the measures implemented to combat the economic impact of coronavirus. If taxes rise significantly, what is already a weak outlook for capital expenditure and job creation is likely to worsen. The U.S. has been overrun by illegals, FED debasement of the currency, crushing national, state, corporate and personal debts, the celebration of aberrant behaviors, increased drug use, defunct trade policies, open borders, and political tribalism. The US is in decline indeed. We have major issues with our economic and social structure. Our morals are in decline, and people want to sustain financially robust, but possibly immoral, lifestyles without necessarily having to do the "grunt" work, i.e., the dirty jobs. And our leadership betrayed us, both government and business leadership, by shipping and allowing our technology and basic economic things that sustain us to go into foreign control, much of it in countries much less moral than we even are. So we have spoiled brats running around rioting and looting instead of working together in an equalitarian society. That's more fulfilling to them than doing the "hard work" or believing moral principles that sustain a society, not decay it... And our "leaders" still run things to make it personally profitable for them, obscenely so, while pretending to be acting in the interests of our society as a whole. The President of the World Economic Forum declared this week: "A Great Reset of free-market Capitalism must occur. A fundamental revamp of "all" aspects of human society and industries from gas to transportation to education must be fundamentally transformed." And don't forget a couple of months back when a former vaccine expert from the government claimed that this winter would be our "darkest winter," harkening back to the original Dark Winter smallpox attack simulations of the early 2000s. Our globalist controlled governments and media need to open the economy and stop killing the world's citizens with this quarantine lockdown on the pretext of a cold virus named COVID-19. The masks and social distancing are hurting our physical and mental health, and the damage to the economy is becoming irreparable - food lines are just one of the hundreds of social problems we are creating with these lockdowns. By a thousand times or more, the lockdowns are more deadly than COVID. In other news, the Fed announced that in order to support the ailing restaurant industry, it would begin purchasing 7.5 billion worth of pizza every day. The next step will be hiring nail specialists to polish chicken claws. The Fed needs to stay out of the market. The market is supposed to be a free market, i.e., not manipulated. The Fed has pumped so much money into the market by so many outlets that it is hard to determine what's what with the market. The Fed is interfering with our ability to apply fundamental investment analysis. The FED is picking winners and losers. Why would ANYONE without the inside track have their money in these markets??? This is ALL going to end BADLY for EVERYONE. There is no longer a relationship between the stock price and the overall health of the economy. The value of a company's shares isn't related to the company. It is related to day traders looking for an immediate profit. Stock shares have become the same as oil, where the sneeze of a sheik can send the price of oil thru the roof. The vast majority of citizens have no stake in the stock market. When you are living hand to mouth, investing is an impossible luxury. When this bubble bursts, it will be the biggest economic disaster in centuries. The mother of all depressions is brewing, and the US stock will collapse by 90%. The rise of globalism depends upon our decline. A strong America threatens any possibility of the imposition of globalist controls. American economy must be crushed along with the dollar. Deliberate, of course. Depression v2 is coming, are you prepared? Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, google has demonetized this channel, so now I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. The only reason why the Fed is buying corporate debt is that no one else will, and it is the only way to artificially prop up the markets because all these stinkers at some point very soon (probably before labor day) are going to mega tank.The trump economy is totally fake and will have a real correction that no stimulus will be able to fix. Sell your junk corporate debt to the money printing-fed, then use the proceeds to buy back shares. Brilliant. More than one way to keep the stock bubble inflated. There is no free market It has been bought and paid for by our masters. The Markets are now reflecting Government Manipulation to influence Share-Prices to drive up the S&P 500 to influence voters that think a UP Market means Jobs. It is all a bunch of Roguery. Here are some Terms for those that don't understand wall st. : Stimulus: corporate welfare, Repo market: corporate welfare, Main street lending: Corporate Welfare, Junk ETF w/ Blackrock: corporate welfare, Individual Bond buying of major corporations: corporate welfare. The Fed: Plug. This is crazy Corporate socialist cronyism Disguised as A emergency situation to save capitalism. This will turn out great for the fed and the mega-wealthy, but Joe and Jane taxpayer will get shafted with the bill again. The general public needs to demand an end to the fed before they totally destroy what is left of the middle class. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
👉The Stock Market is a Gigantic Ponzi Scheme Owned by The Fed !!
👉The Stock Market is a Gigantic Ponzi Scheme Owned by The Fed !!
Since interest rates are so low, the only place to make any money is in the stock market. That's what driving the high multiples and the stock market bubble. People have the feeling that the Fed is not going to let the market fail, so they keep buying stocks. This is not good. The manipulation such as the rock bottom interest rates and QE Infinity by the Fed is propping up a market that should have fallen a long time ago. The $2.2 trillion welfare bill to corporations (oops, I mean stimulus) had everything to do with this stock market bubble. Taxpayers got 300 billion of that, but corporations got $1.9 trillion to buy their own stock and pay their CEOs bonuses. The Fed is propping up the stock market. The Fed bought the market. They are now buying stocks of companies to keep them solvent. This isn't good. We are now worse than the Weimar Republic. The market's disconnect from reality, coupled with its irrational exuberance, makes for a decline we have not seen since Herman Minsky's writing of the 1920s. Without Fed intervention, this market probably would have fallen to 5,000. The question is, how long will the Fed buy the market and at what cost. The market has become so divorced from reality that it has entered the realm of absurdity. How can anyone expect a meaningful profit when retail and manufacturing are operating at 25% capacity? Four million people are not paying their mortgages! That's just residential mortgages. The commercial is a whole other story. Consumers are broke. They owe 7% of every dollar earned over the next 20 years to debt payment. It's all bull, and if the virus keeps spiking, lookout. Right now, it's just a short squeeze. It is a toxic atmosphere. All of the fundamentals and natural market forces are thrown out the window. The fundamentals are gone. There is no reason to be optimistic about earning when we already know that businesses will be crippled for many months to come. Earnings for many quarters will be terrible, guaranteed. So that argument that things are already factored in and that the market is an indication of the future is completely bogus. Let's call it like it is. The Fed bought the market, and now you have investors being reckless because they think they can never lose because they will always be backed by the Fed. That's not capitalism at all. That's pure manipulation and speculation. It has nothing to do with market forces and fundamentals. It has everything to do with people being reckless and feeling extremely confident that they can't lose because they will always be backed by the Fed. It's like going to the high roller table at a Vegas casino, and no matter how much you lose, you keep getting credit from the casino and you keep getting comped (free luxury penthouse suite, free food, free drinks, free shows, free transportation, free everything) no matter what. And imagine that the gambler never has to pay the casino back because the credit keeps coming over and over again. You know what that is? That's artificial. That's unsustainable. It can't work in the long run. There always comes a time when everyone must pay. And eventually, we will pay. We will pay. It's only a matter of time before this market drops like a bag of potatoes. Large investors have been holding up the market, so all the useful idiots keep their cash invested there! When they suddenly pull out of a market where there are few companies doing well, and the rest are sloshing along with.Bye-bye market! And with 1/4 of your workforce out of work, the demand side of the economy is crippled, and companies will not hire until they are making money again. If you don’t see the inevitability of the coming collapse, just keep your head in the sand. The Stock Market is a Ponzi Scheme that only Exists to Fool Americans into thinking; All is well. When in fact, it's ALL Criminally Corrupt and about to FAIL, leaving them in a world of HURT with a Failed currency, no food, no safety net, no jobs, and a pandemic to deal with! All Thanks to the Criminals that destroyed the US Economy & Financial Systems by INTENT. Hell is waiting and getting nearer every hour. I think they are going to tank the market in October, just in time for the election. It is almost as if the US stock markets had been primed by Federal Reserve intervention over the previous 5+ years, and someone let the monster out of the cage. The deregulation, changes to tax structures, and general perception of market opportunity changed almost immediately after the November 2016 elections and really never looked back. The Federal Reserve was created as an illusion for the masses. The mega-wealthy men who created the FED realized they would soon own nearly everything of value, so a way was needed to create an illusion of perpetual prosperity for an ever-expanding population desiring ever-more resources. Thus, the FED created to print a never-ending source of imaginary money based on nothing so the masses could continue buying something. That's why it did not matter when the National Deficit hit 1 trillion dollars years ago, nor will it matter when it hits 100 trillion dollars in due course. How can there be actual debt on an imaginary construct? Of course, there are two separate monetary systems: sovereign and mass. We, the people, are all members of the mass. Our dollar debts are actual dollar debts that must be repaid. Not so with sovereign debt. The FED will print; however, much is needed to keep the illusion going. So The US politicians pass an AID BILL, which is to BAIL OUT the STOCK MARKET, with money from the FEDERAL RESERVE, which in reality, the FED is buying up the US while charging the money printed to the US. When a bank issues a mortgage, they charge you to use their money while they are the owner until the debt is paid. The US now owes 26 trillion dollars, But in reality, it is more like 125 trillion dollars, which leaves each taxpayer on the hook for $811,000. This U.S. National Debt consists of: debt held by the public. Intragovernmental holdings, including debt held by Social Security and Medicare trust funds. But it does not include total unfunded Social Security and Medicare promises. The FED was never intended to buy up anything other than the US government's debt. They are a Criminal PONZI Scheme which will FAIL and take DOWN the Entire US Economy with them. All by design. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, google has demonetized this channel, so now I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. Currently, the bonds are not paying anything meaningful, so the money is flowing into the stock market. Just raise interest rates and see how fast this bubble will burst. Shower wall street with money. The brokers. CEO's and board of directors and some insiders steal from everyone. Then when the market crashes, the taxpayers bail them. None of the criminals go to jail. The greatest country on earth.But only for the super-rich. Tax cuts for corporations allowed them to buy back stocks, which drove up the values and CEO compensation. In the meantime, many paid zero in federal taxes. Amazon is one example - whereby they profited 11 billion in both 2018 and 2019...without paying a dime in federal taxes. In the meantime, the Feds have been buying the risk repeatedly. And you can't leave out the Feds lowering interest rates four times in 12 months (January 2019-January 2020). Now the rates are nearly zero percent. When you can borrow money for next to nothing and pay no federal taxes, you're going to put that money somewhere - hence stock valuations. Sadly, 58 percent of Americans don't have $400 in savings. Personal taxes for working folks are out of control, as they must pay extra for police, fire, schools, roads, etc., due to corporations not contributing anymore. At the end of the day, consumers are a must - and when consumers have empty pockets, the markets won't be far behind. The Feds can only keep the fluff going for so long. At some point, the piper must be paid. We believe that the stock market will crash a short time before the election. And it might be sooner! Now, we’re warning that this current parabolic upside price trend near the end of Q2 of 2020 could be a massive setup for one of the biggest revaluation events we’ve seen since 1999~2000 ,(the last big bubble). Our researchers believe a shift away from the global financial speculation that has driven a total global asset bubble over the past 8+ years will suddenly shift away from wild speculative euphoria and quickly transition into the realization phase of “uh oh, what have we done.” It is this point that we suddenly enter a financial distress phase where investors flee over-inflated assets to move into risk hedging strategies. Why do you think Gold has rallied to levels near $1800 over the past 4+ years? A certain segment of global investors has already had their “uh oh” moment. The US stock market has gone parabolic because a very unique set of circumstances have come together at this particular time in history. Now, we have to deal with the current and future phases of this cycle and prepare for what’s next. Protect your open long trades and/or take some profits out now. If our research is correct, we have already entered the Financial Distress phase. Q2: 2020 may be the catalyst event, and that is only a few days away. The Criminals that run the US don't want you to have any savings, food, home, health, security of even your Life! The Fed is stealing your buying power. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends! Since interest rates are so low, the only place to make any money is in the stock market. That's what driving the high multiples and the stock market bubble. People have the feeling that the Fed is not going to let the market fail, so they keep buying stocks. This is not good. The manipulation such as the rock bottom interest rates and QE Infinity by the Fed is propping up a market that should have fallen a long time ago. The $2.2 trillion welfare bill to corporations (oops, I mean stimulus) had everything to do with this stock market bubble. Taxpayers got 300 billion of that, but corporations got $1.9 trillion to buy their own stock and pay their CEOs bonuses. The Fed is propping up the stock market. The Fed bought the market. They are now buying stocks of companies to keep them solvent. This isn't good. We are now worse than the Weimar Republic. The market's disconnect from reality, coupled with its irrational exuberance, makes for a decline we have not seen since Herman Minsky's writing of the 1920s. Without Fed intervention, this market probably would have fallen to 5,000. The question is, how long will the Fed buy the market and at what cost. The market has become so divorced from reality that it has entered the realm of absurdity. How can anyone expect a meaningful profit when retail and manufacturing are operating at 25% capacity? Four million people are not paying their mortgages! That's just residential mortgages. The commercial is a whole other story. Consumers are broke. They owe 7% of every dollar earned over the next 20 years to debt payment. It's all bull, and if the virus keeps spiking, lookout. Right now, it's just a short squeeze. It is a toxic atmosphere. All of the fundamentals and natural market forces are thrown out the window. The fundamentals are gone. There is no reason to be optimistic about earning when we already know that businesses will be crippled for many months to come. Earnings for many quarters will be terrible, guaranteed. So that argument that things are already factored in and that the market is an indication of the future is completely bogus. Let's call it like it is. The Fed bought the market, and now you have investors being reckless because they think they can never lose because they will always be backed by the Fed. That's not capitalism at all. That's pure manipulation and speculation. It has nothing to do with market forces and fundamentals. It has everything to do with people being reckless and feeling extremely confident that they can't lose because they will always be backed by the Fed. It's like going to the high roller table at a Vegas casino, and no matter how much you lose, you keep getting credit from the casino and you keep getting comped (free luxury penthouse suite, free food, free drinks, free shows, free transportation, free everything) no matter what. And imagine that the gambler never has to pay the casino back because the credit keeps coming over and over again. You know what that is? That's artificial. That's unsustainable. It can't work in the long run. There always comes a time when everyone must pay. And eventually, we will pay. We will pay. It's only a matter of time before this market drops like a bag of potatoes. Large investors have been holding up the market, so all the useful idiots keep their cash invested there! When they suddenly pull out of a market where there are few companies doing well, and the rest are sloshing along with.Bye-bye market! And with 1/4 of your workforce out of work, the demand side of the economy is crippled, and companies will not hire until they are making money again. If you don’t see the inevitability of the coming collapse, just keep your head in the sand. The Stock Market is a Ponzi Scheme that only Exists to Fool Americans into thinking; All is well. When in fact, it's ALL Criminally Corrupt and about to FAIL, leaving them in a world of HURT with a Failed currency, no food, no safety net, no jobs, and a pandemic to deal with! All Thanks to the Criminals that destroyed the US Economy & Financial Systems by INTENT. Hell is waiting and getting nearer every hour. I think they are going to tank the market in October, just in time for the election. It is almost as if the US stock markets had been primed by Federal Reserve intervention over the previous 5+ years, and someone let the monster out of the cage. The deregulation, changes to tax structures, and general perception of market opportunity changed almost immediately after the November 2016 elections and really never looked back. The Federal Reserve was created as an illusion for the masses. The mega-wealthy men who created the FED realized they would soon own nearly everything of value, so a way was needed to create an illusion of perpetual prosperity for an ever-expanding population desiring ever-more resources. Thus, the FED created to print a never-ending source of imaginary money based on nothing so the masses could continue buying something. That's why it did not matter when the National Deficit hit 1 trillion dollars years ago, nor will it matter when it hits 100 trillion dollars in due course. How can there be actual debt on an imaginary construct? Of course, there are two separate monetary systems: sovereign and mass. We, the people, are all members of the mass. Our dollar debts are actual dollar debts that must be repaid. Not so with sovereign debt. The FED will print; however, much is needed to keep the illusion going. So The US politicians pass an AID BILL, which is to BAIL OUT the STOCK MARKET, with money from the FEDERAL RESERVE, which in reality, the FED is buying up the US while charging the money printed to the US. When a bank issues a mortgage, they charge you to use their money while they are the owner until the debt is paid. The US now owes 26 trillion dollars, But in reality, it is more like 125 trillion dollars, which leaves each taxpayer on the hook for $811,000. This U.S. National Debt consists of: debt held by the public. Intragovernmental holdings, including debt held by Social Security and Medicare trust funds. But it does not include total unfunded Social Security and Medicare promises. The FED was never intended to buy up anything other than the US government's debt. They are a Criminal PONZI Scheme which will FAIL and take DOWN the Entire US Economy with them. All by design. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, google has demonetized this channel, so now I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. Currently, the bonds are not paying anything meaningful, so the money is flowing into the stock market. Just raise interest rates and see how fast this bubble will burst. Shower wall street with money. The brokers. CEO's and board of directors and some insiders steal from everyone. Then when the market crashes, the taxpayers bail them. None of the criminals go to jail. The greatest country on earth.But only for the super-rich. Tax cuts for corporations allowed them to buy back stocks, which drove up the values and CEO compensation. In the meantime, many paid zero in federal taxes. Amazon is one example - whereby they profited 11 billion in both 2018 and 2019...without paying a dime in federal taxes. In the meantime, the Feds have been buying the risk repeatedly. And you can't leave out the Feds lowering interest rates four times in 12 months (January 2019-January 2020). Now the rates are nearly zero percent. When you can borrow money for next to nothing and pay no federal taxes, you're going to put that money somewhere - hence stock valuations. Sadly, 58 percent of Americans don't have $400 in savings. Personal taxes for working folks are out of control, as they must pay extra for police, fire, schools, roads, etc., due to corporations not contributing anymore. At the end of the day, consumers are a must - and when consumers have empty pockets, the markets won't be far behind. The Feds can only keep the fluff going for so long. At some point, the piper must be paid. We believe that the stock market will crash a short time before the election. And it might be sooner! Now, we’re warning that this current parabolic upside price trend near the end of Q2 of 2020 could be a massive setup for one of the biggest revaluation events we’ve seen since 1999~2000 ,(the last big bubble). Our researchers believe a shift away from the global financial speculation that has driven a total global asset bubble over the past 8+ years will suddenly shift away from wild speculative euphoria and quickly transition into the realization phase of “uh oh, what have we done.” It is this point that we suddenly enter a financial distress phase where investors flee over-inflated assets to move into risk hedging strategies. Why do you think Gold has rallied to levels near $1800 over the past 4+ years? A certain segment of global investors has already had their “uh oh” moment. The US stock market has gone parabolic because a very unique set of circumstances have come together at this particular time in history. Now, we have to deal with the current and future phases of this cycle and prepare for what’s next. Protect your open long trades and/or take some profits out now. If our research is correct, we have already entered the Financial Distress phase. Q2: 2020 may be the catalyst event, and that is only a few days away. The Criminals that run the US don't want you to have any savings, food, home, health, security of even your Life! The Fed is stealing your buying power. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
👉Wall Street is Fiddling While the US Economy Burns !!
👉Wall Street is Fiddling While the US Economy Burns !!
With record new cases in major states, the reopening experiment is proving to be a flop. No matter what the Fed does, since we never contained the pandemic in the first place, and most people don't take it seriously enough, we're looking at a long road ahead. A 2nd round of lockdowns very likely. This is a great time to invest. Don't worry about the $10 Trillion on the Fed balance sheet. Don't worry about the $30 Trillion in corporate debt. Don't worry about a possible second wave. Don't worry about permanent layoffs from business closures and bankruptcies. Don't worry about the Shiller P/E ratio at historical highs predicting average annual returns of negative 1.5% for the next eight years with a downside possibility of negative 9% and an upper range of 3%. Don't worry about the $600 billion in annual government interest payments .$27 trillion in government debt. $147 trillion in unfunded liabilities. $40,000 in average debt per student. $3.5 trillion federal government met deficit .$62,000 in personal debt per citizen. Stagnant/declining wages for the foreseeable future. Inflated asset prices. Social unrest. Covid-19. This time is different. Pump up the stock market, so companies can just issue more shares and bonds to get the capital they need near term. FED won't give you the money directly now, but retail or company buybacks will happen down the road in hopes we can get a return on our 8 trillion we have been pumping in markets for the last four months. This is nuts! The Fed and Government will ensure that millionaires and billionaires don't lose a dime...ever...regardless of circumstances and happenings in the economy and that they'll even profit from this crisis. The remaining 99% can eat cake. When you see stories about how we all need to jump into the market, or we'll miss out, you know we're close to the top. Was UBS saying this at the March lows when people could actually get a return on investments? Nope. They just want retail investors to dive in now so that the big boys can start liquidating their positions. The scam continues. Not only are they convincing folks to put all their money in stocks at market highs, but also convincing people to buy houses at extremely high prices just to get a low-interest rate. Wall Street is fiddling while the US economy burns. What is “unambiguous” is the rapid rise of the national debt and balance sheet that the Chair of the Federal Reserve Bank told us not to worry about. Also, companies' existence is not for making a profit, but for creating employment and take assistance from the government. If this is the new paradigm, America is in trouble. It is time to look elsewhere for investment. The government can hype and overlook COVID-19, but more citizens are still getting sick and perish from it. As far as the stock market is concerned, expect it to go down considerably back to normal values, which is far lower than it is now. Take a look at the dire condition of the real economy - unemployment, less cash to spend, and more debt than ever to pay (at private bank interest rates that are frankly morally and ethically unreasonable in the current climate). Get ready for the biggest stock market collapse in the history of trading. Move your capital to safer stores of value now, or you'll probably regret it come winter. The case for "real economy individual debt write-offs" is getting stronger. Helicopter money hasn't saved the day. Now the central bank buy-up of company bonds is getting risky. By putting more money into ordinary peoples' pockets immediately, you'll boost spending and return the world economy to growth, higher inflation, and higher interest rates. Head towards negative central bank rates, and you'll prolong the agony of low inflation and low-interest rates for decades to come, and cause more QE than ever to add debt to an already overwhelmed tax-payer. Take care, boys and girls, this global economic game we are now playing are getting very dangerous. There is very little room for error now. It would be sensible that volatility in the market should continue for quite a while. When someone looks at the crazy debt situation, so many corporations are in, it is clear that they have been mismanaged. Why? The real goal of the board of directors and top executives has been to increase beyond any reason their personal compensation. If it took "destructive capitalism," fine, it took borrowing against the corporate assets, fine. Now earning is down and will be down. Who is really buying? The millions that are out of work, many permanently? This is a global problem. Those who fail to remember the past. Meanwhile, the very rich/elite/corporate causes of these economic troubles continue to cash out. There is no personal responsibility if a business is fraudulent, poorly run, or simply has assets sold a little at a time. Ultimately, it is the common shareholder, the citizen with a retirement fund/plan, or the community that suffers. This virus, or another, will come back. This is also another history lesson. It has been since 2008 since I have played at the stock market casino. It still has terrible odds. Pump up futures, drop at open, buy the dip. Same story every day. Day action will see at least 2 to 3 dips with BTFD, and the last 15 minutes will be based on leaked news, possibly for the next day or overnight. No, if we only could all make money on this pattern. Only 30 % of Americans have stock, but Trump is pumping trillions into the market to keep 30% whole and the heck with the 70% that will pay the debt. Trump is playing the masses. The vast majority of people have little to nothing in stocks, and the vast majority of stocks are owned by the wealthy, so propping up the markets isn't as relevant as an income, healthcare, and job security to most. Forty million unemployed Americans during this crisis. You think they'd rather have a job or the stock market propped up? Sooner or later, the Fed money mill will have to stop. And it's getting sooner each day. We can't be adding trillions annually to the debt. Nobody will buy bonds at negative interest rates. All debt earns interest, and we are nearing the end of our debt financing limit, especially with $27 trillion of debt. We may never pay off the principal, but interest payments must be made. At just 1% interest, that is $270 billion in annual interest payment alone, which will eat tax revenues. How is the Fed going to make up for double-digit unemployment and less money flowing into the economy? This is so stupid. This market is also a bubble from the Trump tax cuts. Same stagnant growth, but the market doubled. If the market sees Biden winning and those stupid tax cuts being reversed, this balloon is going to lose air quickly. The more money the Fed pours into the markets to hold them up, the less your money is worth. There is no happy ending in this for you. The Feds have declared it a Christmas market all year. They just keep pumping the market every day. It goes up every day, and you believe that this is just business as usual when all brokers are screaming somethings wrong, and half of the brokers are cashed out. The big drop is coming soon to pay attention to people. The Fed can buy as many securities as it wants. But that won't overcome the fact that consumers have stopped spending. All that will end up happening is they will drive the prices to heights that are so divorced from the underlying earning that when the bubble pops, it will be the greatest crash of all time. The stock market is NOT the economy. It barely counts as an indicator. The Feds dumped Trillions into the stock market to boost it. With 30% of Americans skipping/missing their housing payment. It did nothing for people that have to work for a living. It was completely unnecessary to float Trillions of dollars directly to business owners. If those same dollars had been given to workers and the unemployed, the economy would get by just fine. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. Thank You. Ever since Greenspan, there has been a ferocious expansion of credit and/or printing of money. It is a fools' errand. The bond market has been predicting deflation/stagflation for 20 years. Consider Real Estate: when GIs came back from the war, they paid no more than $10,000 for their houses. Those same houses go for $500,000 or more. Those houses are not 50 times improved. Since Greenspan, our dollar buying power is 1/4 or 1/5th of what it was. This is false prosperity. The longer we put off a price adjustment, the harder, the longer it will be. All this money is pumping up asset prices/profits that must fall. The Federal Reserve is the pump that powers Trickle-down economics. Another stimulus is coming. A couple trillion dollars to the rich and their corporations will pump that market up big time. Once the stimulus stops and the bills come due (either as more taxes or devalued dollar), the party will be over, and most likely, it won't be the rich fat cats who will lose the most; it will be the little guys who didn't see it coming. Trickle-down economics has never, ever worked and never will. It is a theory that has been thoroughly busted and debunked based on real-life experience, and it should be relegated to the dustbin of economic history. Dumping large amounts of cash into the hands of large multinational corporations and expecting them to act as conduits for the cash to flow down to the middle class and the poor is ludicrous. Every Republican President, since Reagan, has subscribed to this theory, and the middle class has been shafted each and every time. Trickle-down economics is a smokescreen for keeping the wealth of this country in the hands of the very few at the expense of everyone else. Workers need to wake up and realize that they have power, the power of their sweat and labor. Unions served a purpose once, and the time is ripe for a resurgence of the labor movement. This is not news. This is the problem with Fed policy for 12 years or more. Using the usual Keynesian policy that is government policy, the Federal Reserve assumed the trickle-down approach would work. Keynesian economics always requires trickle down. In this case, it is not working. Companies know that they are not compensating their employees enough to allow them to generate demand as consumers. They have no illusions about the future. The business executives know that employees as consumers are constrained by the amount of debt they can get to generate effective demand. If there is no demand, there is no reason to expand production. There is no reason to invest in real plant and equipment. Low-interest rates and plentiful credit availability are too good to waste. Since the executives are rewarded for stock price increases--and there is no way to generate stock price increase the honest way through production; the executives buy back the company's stock with cheap money. The Federal Reserve and the Federal Government are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They cannot let stock prices fall for one reason: Boomer retirement. Pension funds and 401k funds would be devastated if stock prices fell to their true value. We are witnessing the total collapse of the Keynesian economy. We are witnessing demand destruction. We will soon witness the loss of control by the Fed and the destruction of the US dollar. Enjoy the show. The Fed might keep pumping for several more months. I think Trump wants a record high (which has no connection to reality, but either does Trump, so there you go). The market will drop pre-election, maybe by Labor Day, maybe later. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.Dr. Doom also trades currencies and commodity futures like Gold and Oil.
Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
👉National Debt Tops $26 Trillion - Powell Warns The Deficit is now Unsustainable !!
#theatlantisreport #usnationaldebt #usdebtclock 👉National Debt Tops $26 Trillion - Powell Warns The Deficit is now Unsustainable !!
National Debt Tops $26 Trillion - Powell Warns The Deficit is now Unsustainable !! America's national debt has been ballooning at an exponential rate during the last 15 years. But it has exploded out of control after COVID 19, adding around one trillion dollars more of debt each passing month. On Tuesday, the national debt pushed above $26 trillion. That's greater than all the national debts of Japan, China, France, Germany, The UK, India, Australia, and Russia all combined. Just 35 days ago, the debt eclipsed $25 trillion. And 28 days before that, the national debt stood at a mere $24 million. The U.S. National Debt hit a new record high of $26 trillion last Tuesday on the 9th of June. In the last 63 days, we've increased the national debt more than two trillion dollars. And if nothing changes, if we stay on the same trajectory, by the end of this fiscal year, the debt will be over twenty-eight trillion, maybe pushing 29 trillion dollars in national debt. Because our structural deficit this year is going to reach somewhere around six trillion dollars. In other words, we will have spent six trillion dollars more than we brought in in revenues. The ramifications of this kind of national debt are going to be catastrophic. The national debt will exceed the gross domestic product by about a hundred and ten percent. When that happens, we must confront it, we will have to face the ramifications of it. It took the nation 210 years to run the National Debt up to $2 trillion. It took exactly two months and two days to add the most recent $2 trillion, Peter Schiff said in a recent tweet. The country’s gross debt has now crossed the historic $26 trillion mark for the first time. This almost inconceivable number comes after several months of inflationary measures by the Federal Reserve, which has seen the dollar supply increase dramatically. Today Wednesday, 17th of June, a week later, it has jumped again to $65 billion. The U.S. National Debt was $25 trillion just last month in May and $24 trillion in April. The tremendous increase in debt is due to the response to the coronavirus pandemic, which has only sped up the ongoing global economic crisis. Prior to COVID-19, the U.S. debt had already been growing exponentially for the last six-plus years. In Oct 2019, it was $23 Trillion, in May 2019, it was $22T. In Mar 2018, it was $21T, Sept 2017; it was $20T, Feb 2016; it was $19T, Jan 2015, it was $18T, and Jan 2014, it was $17T. This is not healthy for our overall global economy. The U.S. debt level is growing faster and faster every year, and now even every month. The exponential curve is getting steeper and steeper, if not already out of control; it soon will be. Meanwhile, the federal government just set a record for the biggest budget deficit in any fiscal year — with four months left to go. The US deficit soared to $1.9T for the first eight months of the fiscal year. $3.7 trillion deficit per year, is just over seven times the total of Sweden's GDP. In May, the gap between what the government spent and what it collected hit $424 billion, more than twice the level it was at one year ago. Revenues in May totaled $175 billion — down $58 billion from last year, the result of a decline in wages and overall economic activity. May’s budget shortfall pushed the fiscal 2020 deficit to $1.9 trillion, according to the latest monthly US Treasury Department statement. Fed's Powell warned Congress during his semi-annual testimony that the U.S. budget deficit, which is expected to hit $3.7 trillion this year, is on an unsustainable path. The previous budget deficit record for any year was $1.4 trillion in the Fiscal Year of 2009. Before this year, the federal government had run deficits over $1 trillion in just four fiscal years, all during the Great Recession. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimated the debt would grow by $4 trillion this year. As interest payments rise, the government will either have to collect more taxes, cut spending, or print money. Remember that as interest rates increase - so does the nominal debt. Someone has to pay for the tax cuts, and guess what? It ain't gonna be the major stockholders who benefited out of it. If interest rates begin to rise, the cost of holding on to that debt becomes more expensive. If interest rates were to be at 4%, that debt would begin draining money from other resources. We will be paying over 400 billion just on interest on the debt. With the ridiculously low-interest rates. If interest rates were 3-5% percent, interest on the debt could become the largest expenditure. Debt eating up all of our income tax payments. No wonder our prosperity is declining. We really can't keep going in this way; it's unsustainable. And that just means the debt is growing faster than the economy, so debt-to-GDP is rising. That is, by definition, unsustainable." The Fed is largely to blame for the debt problem. They lower interest to boost housing and the stock market when wages and real growth has not happened for YEARS. So, people take out higher loans. So people go into debt, spend less on other things, and wages are still low (in comparison), so Tax revenue is just as low. Hence THE DEBT BOMB. And Democrats and Republicans want to give away more free money! The debt load is expected to rise to 125 percent of GDP over the 20 years. That's higher than the US debt-to-GDP ratio during World War II. But perhaps the most striking aspect of the growing debt is the fact there really is no end in sight, and the US has no chance of ever paying off the debt. The national debt is a huge concern, not for our government, but for us. The Fed can just keep printing money and inflate the debt away. For us, though, it just makes things cost more, and our buying power dwindles to nothing. Look at Venezuela and Argentina. Think that is isolated to third world countries? We are on the same fiat monetary system. Just because other countries want to own our debt doesn't make our debt/dollar safe. One day that will change. China is circumventing the dollar by allowing countries to buy oil with Yuan convertible to gold. Why would you buy a dying US dollar to buy oil when you can have a real asset like gold? The problem is that we are stuck in our debt-based economy. If we don't increase the debt, the economy collapses. The National Debt is unplayable at this point. The socialist Republicans will not stop until there is no more paper to print money. And the socialist democrats are worse. If this deficit spending continues, our US Dollar will lose its pre-eminence as the world's trade currency! The USA has already intercepted Oil trading on the high seas... Other countries already don't need the US dollar for their trade. When the dollar tanks, interest will have to be raised. And then, watch out housing and stock market and everything else. If you THINK that you've seen chaos lately, wait to see it when THAT happens. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. With a national debt of over 26 TRILLION and an annual budget deficit of a TRILLION dollars, some still claim we are WINNING. Despite the declining manufacturing data, ballooning national debt, and budget deficit. As interest rates go up, the cost of financing the National Debt is also going to go up. The Government wants inflation to pick up. But they will not increase the Social Security payments by anywhere near real inflation. In fact, over the last seven years buying power of your Social Security has gone down because of the inflation, the Government won't talk about. If inflation starts to get away from this Government Treasury notes, bills and bonds might be the place to stick your money. Remember the 13 and 14% Nixon years. You could have picked up 30-year bonds with a 10%. We’re lucky the US is the world's reserve currency and get a major boost from this, where other countries approaching 100% debt to GDP have trouble selling their debt, and interest rates go wild. But we will find ourselves in a major rate bind when the next recession hits and more deficit stimulus spending is needed to jumpstart us out of it. Soon the world will pull our reserve currency status, and that is going to make some people very unhappy. We are flying blind here, just piling on deficits, and eventually, it is going to catch up, and it will be a catastrophe. Obama DOUBLED the national debt in 8 years, adding ten trillion, that's more Debt than every other previous President COMBINED. Trump has added about $6 trillion to the national debt so far, despite his pledge to wipe it out in eight years and his campaigning on being "the king of debt." Remember, in the primaries Trump stated "we need to reduce the national debt" and then said the great tax robbery from the middle and lower classes in favor of the rich would bring in so much new tax income for the federal government that it could begin to cut the national debt !! I am STILL WAITING !! If you take away the $70B tax break given to corporations, the net growth would be 1.8%. I have to conclude that Trump doesn't know what he is doing with the economy. Why do we need to spend $730B a year on defense? If you add the $300B that NATO is spending, that is more than ALL military spending of all of the other countries of the world COMBINED! However, I dispute the premise that any businessman needs to be President. The government is not a business. It does not produce anything. The money coming in is money taken from the hard work of citizens. We need someone with morals to be President. Someone who actually is concerned with how to spend our money. Yes, we need national defense, we need infrastructure, we need about 1000 other things as well. However, we do not need anything so bad to borrow money outside of natural disaster relief. Everything else can and should be planned for. If we can’t afford something, then we can’t have it. I want a Porsche but can’t afford it and am unwilling to give up a few other things to get it. It should be the same as the government. Businessmen don’t think that way. They borrow and spend, and hopefully, the new product pays for what they borrowed. The government has no new product to sell. Conservatives claim government spending doesn't improve the economy unless it's corporate welfare for the military-industrial complex. The US outspends China by six times and Russia by ten times in military spending. Trump touts increased spending on the military as one of his administration's top accomplishments. The only thing our government has always been good at is literally just spending money they don't have. We literally already pay so much in taxes. They need to cut spending. The defense budgets are completely out of control. But it has always been such a boondoggle for politicians. No politician is willing to speak the truth. Balancing the budget will take three things. Entitlement reform. Cut military spending. Increase tax revenue. Touching one of those three will get you primaried in either party. Fiscally responsible, GOP sent the deficit into the stratosphere. Haven't you heard, since electing the chosen one, debt is no longer an issue, we just default, easy cheesy lemon squeezy. Why would we pay off our debt when we can tell the contractors to take a hike. Of course, we'll still have to cut social security and cut medicare. Somebody has to pay for the wealthy/corporate welfare program. Support corruption, forsake your principles, edify the wealthy/corporations at the expense of the U.S. all. Default on the debt and watch the US dollar become worthless overnight. I hope Trump isn't that insane. The ruling banksters probably think that they are exempt from what happens when the dung hits the fan. They probably even have bunkers setup or compounds on remote Islands. The problem is that even if you have a trillion dollars, you can't buy a can of tuna if there is none. Taxpayers are the proverbial goose that laid the golden egg. Trying to assume that the economy will just continue to grow to cover any rise in interest payments is the epitome of stupid. Personally, I hope we have a crash in the next couple of years so that we can FINALLY have an adult discussion about Federal spending. At some point, the public will demand higher interest rates for Federal debt issued, which will invariably crowd out the stupid amounts of spending on pork-barrel projects, special interest handouts, and the government contracts for defense. Shame on both Democrats and Republicans for this mess. A study of 20 developed countries who became overindebted showed that ALL 20 had to eventually go through austerity to resolve the issue. It is also a fact that NO country has been able to print its way out of debt. With the amount of debt we now have, we will already have to go through decades of austerity to pay it down. The longer we keep racking up the debt to avoid the pain, the longer the period of austerity we will have to go through. And the entire world will be having to go through this austerity - making it even worse. This is just common sense and should be recognized by anyone with a fully functioning brain!! We need a real and huge spending cut program. Starting with the government subsidies (there are over 2200 of them). Eliminate all of them (that equates to about one trillion dollars a year). Subsidies, which always interfere with the free marketplace, are essentially a "slice" of Communism - the most failed Economic system ever. Next, reduce government workers' salaries, pensions (no more full retirements at age 55 or under; wait until age 65 like the rest of us to earn full retirement benefits), and benefits to the equivalent of their counterparts in the private sector. Instead of pensions, put them on Social Security and contribute a small percentage of their annual salaries annually to their IRAs. No overtime pay for management employees. Go to automatic income tax deductions similar to Social Security - no forms to fill out - enabling us to eliminate most of the IRS. Abolish the debt-ridden and job-killing Obamacare. Government regulators get a new job - instead of endlessly creating more job-killing regulations, they start off with a clean piece of paper, make a minimum of needed regulations and eliminate the millions of regulations on the books now. The Fed is extending CREDIT, i.e., enabling more debt creation. They are allowing debtors to dig a deeper hole. Debt is a financial hole, and the first rule of holes is when you find yourself in one, stop digging. At some point, that debt will be defaulted on because the borrower becomes insolvent due to the collapse in the value of the collateral. It is very likely by then that the bond market falls apart and freezes, which means MARKET interest rates rise rapidly and lending freezes. The Fed has ensured that even the "responsible people" who have "done the right thing" are going to be screwed too. Inflation is already a problem. Groceries costs are doubling. Some new cars cost as much as a house. Rent is at an all-time high. Health insurance for a family of 3 is $1400 per month. These are big inflation numbers but will be dwarfed by what continued monetization will do. People are rioting and looting because they are being left behind. If you artificially create inflation in prices while simultaneously creating hyper-inflation in stocks, guess what happens! The non-investor class goes from middle to lower to peasants. And if I am a pissed off peasant, and I see an unguarded AT&T store, I am taking a few iPhones, because I am entitled to them. We have created a Hell of our own making. The US has austerity for the poor, hungry, and homeless folks. We cut back on food stamps, housing subsidies, school lunch programs, halfway houses, mental health centers, drug addiction programs, early childhood intervention, clean water. But there is ALWAYS a spare trillion for the military each year. Since 2009 the nation’s private-sector employers have been adding jobs for 132 straight months – 20.8 million since the Great Recession, and yet, nominal wage growth since the recovery officially began in mid-2009 has been low and flat. U.S. consumer debt is now above levels hit during the 2008 financial crisis. So despite the longest U.S. economic expansion in history, the debt more than doubled, nominal wage growth during record low unemployment is low and flat, the interest rate didn't recover, and consumer debt is at record high level. Understand this, when Social Security just starts to take in less than what is received, which is soon, the debt will explode at an even faster rate!! The debt is getting so big; soon, interest payments won't even be TOTALLY paid. Please protect your family by buying some physical gold and silver, even just 10% of your net worth. Bypass the future food lines and shortages, as people in "rich" countries before have done in times of national upheaval. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.
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