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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Marc Faber bullish on Vietnam stock market

There is an opportunity in the Vietnamese share market despite some mistakes made by the ­government since the country was opened up to the West about 10 years after China. I don’t think the market will run away right away but if you take a long-term horizon, five to ten years, I think you will make some money in Vietnamese shares.

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.

Marc Faber on Investment patience

If a year ago I told you ‘look you should buy some Japanese shares’, then for nine months you would have complained and said ‘look I bought ­Japanese shares and they never move, and all the other markets are moving up’. I always tell people if you want to be a successful investor you also have to have some patience and you can’t measure your performance according to an index.

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.

Bonds can be similar to equities in stock crash

In 2008 when the sharemarket went down by 50 per cent these bonds also got hit because the spreads widened. These corporate bonds have an equity character; they’re not pure.

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.

The US Can Artificially Depress Prices

"Well, safe country? I'm not so sure about that under the present government. But in 1933, gold was taken away from Americans. The government paid them $25 and after, they revalued the gold to $35. So, basically what the government can do once again, and that is a possibility. They could artificially depress, manipulate the price down and then say ‘Gold is illegal to be held. We have to collect all the gold from the citizens.’ Say if they manipulated the price down to $1,000. They could collect it at $1,000 and then revalue to $10,000." - Source, Business Insider:

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.

Depreciation in the Value of Money

"I think that the purchasing power of money has diminished very significantly over the last ten, twenty, thirty years, and will continue to do so. So by being in cash and government bonds is not a protection against this depreciation in the value of money."
Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.

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