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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thai Stocks topping

Thai stocks are now not cheap, but the economic cycle has seen expansion topping four years. I own a lot of Thai shares but I don't think Thai stocks will go up much [from the current SET Index of around 1,400]. Good stocks like Kiatnakin Bank and CP Food have fallen by more than 50 per cent. On properties, we have seen tremendous speculation on Thai real estate as prices have gone up significantly in Chiang Mai, or areas bordering Laos, Cambodia and other countries, but if you look at Hong Kong, Singapore, London, or New York's Manhattan, they are extremely expensive compared to Bangkok's high-end condos, which are now not cheap either by local standards.

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.

Marc Faber makes case to invest in emerging markets

Many emerging markets are down 50% from their highs post recovery 2009. Where do you invest ? The case can be made to should one want to invest in equities he will choose the depressed markets.

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.

We are in QE Unlimited

 My view was that they would taper by about $10 billion to $15 billion, but I'm not surprised that they don't do it for the simple reason that I think we are in QE unlimited.The people at the Fed are professors, academics. They never worked a single life in the business of ordinary people. And they don't understand that if you print money, it benefits basically a handful of people maybe--not even 5% of the population, 3% of the population. And when you look today at the market action, ok, stocks are up 1%. Silver is up more than 6%, gold up more than 4%, copper 2.9%, crude oil 2.68%, and so forth. Crude oil, gasoline are things people need, ordinary people buy everyday. Thank you very much, the Fed boosts these items that people need to go to their work, to heat their homes, and so forth and at the same time, asset prices go up, but the majority of people do not own stocks. Only 11% of Americans own directly shares."

- in Bloomberg News

 Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.

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