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Friday, June 28, 2013

The Rich will be targeted in a big reset

At some point, there will be a big reset. In the democracies of the Western world, large numbers of people will vote against the well-to-do. Throughout history, minorities have been targeted. Now the rich will be targeted through some kind of wealth tax or significantly higher tax rates. Eventually there will be so much antagonism against well-to-do people that it won't be comfortable.

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.

Marc Faber on Black Swan Event and global risks

Geopolitical conditions could deteriorate badly in the Middle East and Asia. America's reset toward Asia has alarmed the Chinese, who won't tolerate U.S. interference long term in the region. Then there's the possibility of a Black Swan event. If the S&P 500 drops 20%, the Fed will print more money, so that's not a huge downside risk. But the bond market could collapse, inflation could accelerate, or the Chinese economy could implode. Or we could have a destabilizing political event, or a pandemic.

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.

25% of Assets in Equities

I don't know how the world will look in five years, so I have heeded Ray Dalio's advice to diversify. [Dalio of Bridgewater Associates.] I keep 25% of my assets in equities. I haven't shorted anything yet, although I am tempted to short the S&P or the Russell 2000. I don't own U.S. stocks, but I hold some Asian shares, including Singapore real-estate investment trusts, which I will discuss momentarily. Markets in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand have quadrupled from their post crisis lows, and aren't attractive any more. But I still hold some shares in these markets with relatively high dividend yields.

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.


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