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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Marc Faber : I will never sell any gold !

Marc Faber - one of the few international economists who really knows what is going on in the world of today and maybe even of tomorrow! His advise: accumulate gold and hold on to it !

the solution is simple to everyone problems in life and in the world: governments need to protect the money. gold and silver needs to be in the money. our labor, work has to have value cannot be only paper. assets need to be tangible metals that have value. money has to have wealth for each man to feel like a human and not a slave.If the US$ and all paper money goes to $0, what will happen to stock prices? will all stocks also go to $0 because they are all paper wealth as well right? I dont get this guy, he says paper will be worthless arnt stocks and shares valued in US$ which is paper?

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